- African Films (27)
- All Videos (52)
- Australia and New Zealand (2)
- Black Europe (9)
- Brazil (4)
- Caribbean Collection (10)
- Colonization (10)
- Comedy (5)
- Documentary (23)
- Drama (35)
- Great African Films (5)
- History (18)
- Immigration (11)
- Music (11)
- New Releases (14)
- North America (5)
- T Shirt / Sweatshirt (2)
- The Afro-Latino Experience (12)
- Women Stories (15)
DVDs featuring at least one documentary.
African Leaders: Frantz Fanon & Amilcar Cabral - 2 disc set
$12.95 $9.95
Portrait of two leaders of the Pan-African Liberation Movement: Frantz Fanon and Amilcar Cabral. Using rare archival footage, director Ana Lucia Ramos Lisboa accurately chronicles both the personal and public sides of an African icon in Amilcar Cabral (Cape Verde/ Portugal, 2001, 52 mins., in Portuguese with English Subtitles). The founder...
African Women Behind The Camera DVD: 2 Weeks in Lagos & Childhood Destroyed
$12.99 $5.00
The African Women Behind The Camera double DVD highlights the work of two very different contemporary African women filmmakers:2 Weeks in Lagos by Nigerian director Kathryn Fasegha is a socially conscious Christian based romantic comedy drama set in upper class Lagos, Nigeria.Childhood Destroyed by Chadian director and journalist ZARA M....
Afro-Cuba: Yesterday & Today - 2 disc set
$12.95 $5.00
Two exciting, colorful films spotlight the African roots of Cuba's culture by focusing on two legendary artists -- Rumbero Papa Montero and Filmmaker Sara Gomez -- in this unique box set. THE LAST RUMBA OF PAPA MONTERO / LA ULTIMA RUMBA DE PAPA MONTERO Get ready to rumba! The life...
$18.95 $9.95
THE ESMERALDAS BEACH In today’s Ecuador, the black population, the descendants of enslaved Africans, continue to experience strong racial and social discrimination. Yet people in the community still strive to value their specific culture and transmit the rebellious memory of their ancestors who fought for freedom. The Esmeraldas Beach sets out...
$12.95 $9.95
Two films that explore the Black & Latino experience.Set in the USA, INVISIBLE COLOR: BLACK CUBANS IN MIAMI is a documentary about the history and living experience of Afro-Cubans in Miami. MESTIZO is a drama set in 1940 Venezuela about the conflicted identity of José Vargas, the illegitimate son of a white...
Black Mexicans / La Negrada & The Valley Of The Black Descendants / El Valle De Los Negros
$12.95 $9.95
BLACK MEXICANS / LA NEGRADA Black Mexicans (La Negrada) is the first Mexican feature film about the Afro-Mexican community, filmed entirely with people from different towns around the Costa Chica in Oaxaca.Neri, a fisherman, splits his time between two women: his wife Juanita with whom he has a daughter and...
Blacks in Brazil - 2 disc set - Executive Order & Role
$12.95 $9.95
BLACKS IN BRAZIL - Double DVD EXECUTIVE ORDER (Medida Provisória) Set in a dystopian near future in Rio de Janeiro, a lawyer (Alfred Enoch) sues the Brazilian government for reparation of all descendants of African slaves in the country. The authoritarian government responds by signing an executive order sending all...
BLACKS IN EUROPE - 15th to 18th Centuries
$12.95 $9.95
Two documentaries that explore the life of black people in Europe. GURUMBÉ: AFRO-ANDALUSIAN MEMORIES is a documentary that explores the contribution of Africans to Spain from the 15th to the 18th centuries.THE BLACK MOZART IN CUBA celebrates the The Chevalier de Saint-Georges, a remarkable man who lived in France in the...
Caribbean Leaders
$12.95 $9.95
CARIBBEAN LEADERS This two-DVD set features two documentaries exploring the life stories and political impact of two significant figures in Caribbean history: "Walter Rodney: What They Don't Want You To Know" and "Barrow, Freedom Fighter". Walter Rodney: What They Don't Want You To Know “Walter Rodney” is a compelling documentary...