Showing: 1-4 of 4 per page

Race and History in Brazil

$12.95 $9.95

RACE AND HISTORY IN BRAZIL Race and its impact on the art and history of Brazil are highlighted in this two-disc set with Joel Zito Araujo's documentary Denying Brazil (A Negacao do Brasil, 92 mins) and Geraldo Santos Pereira's Aleijadinho: Passion, Glory and Torment (Aleijadinho: Paixao, Gloria e Suplicio, 100...

Afro-Brazilian Leaders - Abdias do Nascimento and Natal da Portela

$12.95 $5.95

NATAL DA PORTELA Revealing films about two very important Afro-Brazilian figures:* Abdias do Nascimento (March 14, 1914 – May 23, 2011) was an outspoken and vibrant defender of Afro-Brazilian civil rights.* Natalino José do Nacimento, better known as Natal Da Portela (July 31, 1905- April 5, 1975) was one of...


$12.95 $9.95

AFRO-BRAZILIAN CINEMA with QUILOMBO and HUMAN BEHAVIOR Two films exploring the human experience of the Afro-Brazilian, past and present: Quilombo the classic epic story of Palmares, a colony of mostly runaway Africans during the 17th century in Brazil and Human Behavior a short film based on the true story of the Candelaria massacre.   QUILOMBO     Quilombo Trailer...


$12.95 $9.95

MARIGHELLA After fighting censorship for two years in Brazil, MARIGHELLA became #1 at the Box Office in Brazil! Marighella is a Brazilian action drama set in 1969 based on the life of Afro-Brazilian politician and guerrilla fighter Carlos Marighella. Facing a violent military dictatorship and with little support from a timid opposition, writer-turned-politician Carlos...