Race & Immigration in Europe
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RACE AND IMMIGRATION IN EUROPE with BORDERS andTHE GLASS CEILING Two films connecting Africa and Europe: Borders about the life of those Africans trying to slip illegally into Europe in search of a better life...
Two films connecting Africa and Europe: Borders about the life of those Africans trying to slip illegally into Europe in search of a better life and The Glass Ceiling depicting stories of some of the challenges faced by European born children of African immigrants.

The story of Six men and a woman set out on the hazardous journey from Senegal to Morocco in a bid to slip illegally into Europe to escape from the poverty and internecine warfare of Africa. All are lured by the promise of a better life, but the challenges are numerous.
France/Algeria, 2002, 102 min, Drama, French with English subtitles, Mostefa Djadjam, dir.
France/Algeria, 2002, 102 min, Drama, French with English subtitles, Mostefa Djadjam, dir.

Europe’s racial make-up is quickly changing. French-Algerian filmmaker Yamina Benguigui is hoping to start a conversation about affirmative action - a policy that does not exist in France today. Benguigui’s Le Plafond de Verre / The Glass Ceiling presents a series of sometimes very emotional first-hand accounts of discrimination against mostly black and North African Arab who are trying to find jobs. The documentary offers poignant and revealing accounts of discrimination faced by these full-fledged French citizens who are also children of immigrant parents.
France, 2004, 90 min, documentary, French with English subtitles, Yamina Benguigui, dir.